COURSES AND PRESENTATIONS (recent and selected)
2020 "Justice for All" (panel discussion) Presbyterian Women Virtual Fall Gathering (November)
2020 "Faith and Values Film Festival" (series) Memorial Presbyterian Church, Midland MI (February-March)
2019 "Understanding Congregational Culture" (workshop) Inter-presbytery training event, Alma College, Alma, MI (November)
2019 "Faith and Values Film Festival" (series) Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Flint, MI (February - April)
2018 "Spiritual Leadership for the Missional Church" (retreat) Memorial Presbyterian Church, Midland, MI (March)
2018 "Faith and Values Film Festival" (series) First Presbyterian Church, Saginaw, MI (February - March)
2017 "Sticky Mission: Developing Missional Stewardship" (workshop) New Visions of Stewardship event, Presbytery of Lake Huron, Flint, MI (June)
2017 "Faith and Values Film Festival" (series); Second Presbyterian Church, Saginaw, MI (March-April)
2017 "The Possibility-Driven Church" (retreat); Memorial Presbyterian
Church, Midland, MI (January)
2016 "Hope in Conflict" (workshop); Pastors-in-Transition Training Event, Presbyteries of Detroit, Lake Huron, and Lake Michigan, DeWitt, MI (October)
2016 "Longevity in Ministry" Candidates Retreat, Presbytery of Lake
Huron, Saginaw, MI (August)
2016 "Clergy Taxes," Presbytery of Mackinac, Harbor Springs, MI
2016 "Leadership for Small Church Pastors," Thumb Ministry Group,
Presbytery of Lake Huron, Caro, MI (February)
2016 Plenary Panel Discussion (moderator), Midwinter Lectures,
Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin TX
2015 "Theological and Ethical Foundations for Addressing Climate
Change," Symposium on Faithful Alternatives for Addressing
Climate Change, Houston, TX (October)
2015 "Living by Our Confessions," Presbytery of Tres Rios, Alpine, TX (June)
2015 "Proposed Amendments: The Confession of Belhar / Marriage Equality," St. Philip Presbyterian Church, Hurst, TX (January)
2014 "Loss, Grief, and Hope: A Pastoral Theology in Film," Western National Leadership Training Event, Jackson, WY (September)
2014 "Theology and Multicultural Education" (convener); "Discussion with Denominational Leaders" (moderator), 15th National Multicultural Conference, Fort Worth, TX (August)
2014 "The Practice of Adaptive Leadership," Synod of the Sun Coordinating Team, Mo-Ranch, Hunt, TX, (January)
2013 "Faith and Film: A 21st Century Review," Western National Leadership Training Event, Jackson, WY (October)
2013 "Marriage Equality in the PCUSA," Central Presbyterian Church, Denver, CO (January)
2012 "Discussions with Leaders" (workshop), "Leadership in Cha(lle)nging Times" (sermon), Western National Leadership Training Event, Jackson Hole , WY (October)
2012 "Leading Small Groups," (leadership retreat), Greeley , CO (June)
2012 "Current Issues in PCUSA Polity," (CRE Colloquium), Brush, CO (April)
2012 "Building Healthy Patterns of Communication," Family of Christ Presbyterian Church, Greeley, CO (March)
2012 "Why Stay in the PCUSA?" (panel discussion), Fellowship of Presbyterians, Orlando , FL (January)
2011-12 The Leadership CROP (Cohort of Recently Ordained Pastors) Program, Convener and Faculty, Synod of the Rocky Mountains, Allenspark, CO (August, January, May)
2011 "The History of Christianity," Administrative Personnel Association regional event, Loveland , CO (April)
2011 "Lifting the Fog on the nFoG," Presbytery of Denver pre-assembly workshop, Lakewood , CO (March)
2011 "Amendment 10-A: History and Polity," Presbytery of Whitewater Valley assembly, Indianapolis , IN (February)
2011 "Middle Governing Bodies in the Presbyterian Church: History and Polity," General Assembly Commission on Middle Governing Bodies, Orlando , FL (February)
2010 "Congregations, Health Care Reform, and You," First Presbyterian Church, Alliance , NE (September); St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Boulder, CO (November)
2010 “Congregational Mission in Changing Times” (Retreat), Harmony Presbyterian Church, Fort Collins , Colorado (April)
2009 “Polity and Spiritual Community” St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Boulder , Colorado (December)
2009 “Lifting the Fog on the nFOG” Western National Leadership Training event, Jackson , Wyoming (October)
2009 “Spirit, Power, and Community: An Introduction to Presbyterian Polity” Commissioned Lay Pastor Training, Pueblo Presbytery, Pueblo , Colorado (October, repeated from 2007)
2009 “Origins of Presbyterian Polity: A Visual Tour” Presbytery of Plains and Peaks Church Officer Training Events, Sterling , Colorado ; Fort Collins , Colorado ; Bridgeport , Nebraska (September); also Boulder , Colorado (November).
2009 “John Calvin’s Legacy for Church Order” The American Church of Paris , Paris , France (June)
2008 “Communicating the Gospel through Popular Culture” Western National Leadership Training event, Jackson , Wyoming (October)
2008 “Reformed Theology” Administrative Personnel Association national event, Denver Colorado (July)
2008 “Elders as Spiritual Leaders” First Presbyterian Church, Loveland , Colorado (January)
2007 “The Ministry of Administration”; “Small Group Dynamics” Commissioned Lay Pastor Training Colloquium, Broomfield , Colorado (November)
2007 “Legal Issues”; “Polity II”; “Polity III” Administrative Personnel Association regional meeting, Loveland, Colorado (July)
2007-2008 The Cornerstone Project (training recently ordained clergy) Convener & Faculty: “Understanding Groups”; “Building Community”; “Temperament and Ministry”; Allenspark, Colorado; Park City, Utah; Casper, Wyoming (March, July, October, January)
2006 “Spirit, Power, and Community: An Introduction to Presbyterian Polity” Western National Leadership Training Event, Jackson , Wyoming (October)
2005 “Cinematic Spirituality: Film as a Medium of Faith” Western National Leadership Training Event, Jackson , Wyoming (October)
2020 "Ruling Elders in a Pandemic," Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully, Office of the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) April 15, 2020.
2015 "ACT and Clergy" book chapter in ACT for Clergy and Pastoral Counselors: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Bridge Psychological and Spiritual Care. Jason A. Nieuwsma, Robyn D. Walser, Steven C. Hayes, eds. (co-author with Kent D. Drescher)
2014 "An Analysis of ECO Polity," privately published monograph, 2014.
2014 “Marriage Equality in the PCUSA," in Readings in Christianity, 3rd ed. Robert Van Voorst, ed. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning, 2014.
2010 “Amendment 10-A to G-6.0106b: Seeking the Middle Way,” (ghostwriter) The Presbyterian Outlook, November 29, 2010
2006 “Recommendation Five’s Fatal Flaw,” The Presbyterian Outlook, May 15, 2006
1997-1999 Periodic devotional articles, Moscow-Pullman Daily News
1993 “Confessions of a Jolly Presbyterian,” Monday Morning, June 1993
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